Sentit | Any genus of amphibians. |
Sinònim | amfibis |
Membre de | Craniata, Craniat, Vertebrata, Vertebrat | fishes |
Específic | Hynerpeton | Earliest fossil amphibian ever found |
acris, genus acris | cricket frogs |
alytes, Alytes, genus alytes | midwife ... / midwife toads |
ambystoma, genus ambystoma | type genus of the Ambystomatidae |
aneides, genus aneides | climbing salamanders |
ascaphus, genus ascaphus | type genus of the Ascaphidae |
batrachoseps, genus batrachoseps | slender salamanders |
bombina, genus bombina | fire-bellied toads |
cryptobranchus, genus cryptobranchus | type genus of the Cryptobranchidae |
desmograthus, genus desmograthus | An amphibian genus of Plethodontidae |
eleutherodactylus, genus eleutherodactylus | Completely terrestrial / terrestrial robber frogs |
family proteidae, proteidae, Proteid | mud puppies |
gastrophryne, Gastrophryne, genus gastrophryne | primarily tropical narrow-mouthed toads |
genus amphiuma | congo snakes |
genus bufo | type genus of the Bufonidae |
genus dicamptodon | type genus of the Dicamptodontidae |
genus hydromantes, hydromantes | web-toed salamanders |
genus hyla, hyla, Hyla | The type genus of the Hylidae |
genus hylactophryne, hylactophryne | barking frogs |
genus hypopachus, hypopachus, Hypopachus | sheep frogs |
genus leiopelma, genus liopelma, leiopelma, liopelma | type and sole genus of the family Leiopelmatidae |
genus leptodactylus, leptodactylus, Leptodactylus | type genus of the Leptodactylidae |
genus megalobatrachus, megalobatrachus | giant salamanders |
genus necturus, necturus | A genus of Proteidae |
genus notophthalmus, notophthalmus | newts |
genus pipa, pipa | type genus of the Pipidae |
genus plethodon, plethodon | type genus of the Plethodontidae |
genus polypedates, polypedates, Polypedates | type genus of the Polypedatidae |
genus proteus, proteus | type genus of the Proteidae |
genus pseudacris, pseudacris, Pseudacris | chorus frogs |
genus pternohyla, pternohyla | burrowing tree frogs |
genus rana, rana, Rana | type genus of the Ranidae |
genus rhyacotriton, rhyacotriton | olympic salamanders |
genus salamandra, Salamandra | type genus of the Salamandridae |
genus scaphiopus, scaphiopus | New World spadefoot toads |
genus siren | A genus of Sirenidae |
genus taricha, taricha, Taricha | Pacific newts |
genus triturus, triturus | chiefly aquatic salamanders |
genus xenopus, xenopus | An African clawed frog |
General | gènere, genus | (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
Anglès | amphibian genus |
Espanyol | anfibios, género anfibio |